Monday, March 16, 2020

March 16 to April 9

Reading Scavenger Hunt – Skip the first step-Read a book at the library-and start with ‘read a book with someone younger than you’. eBooks and YouTube videos count!!

READO – can you fill your READO (Bingo) card?

Fiction Reading Response Choice Board – can you make a tic-tac-toe?

Looking for family activities?


How to access PowerLibrary at home - gives you access to BookFlix (primary) and TrueFlix (intermediate) and MANY other resources

Access to ScienceFlix (among other Scholastic resources)

From Dr. Levine, Secretary of Health for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania – “Stay Calm. Stay Home. Stay Safe.”


During this unprecedented time, you have many concerns on your mind. Did you know that reading can lower your stress? Read these two articles for more information:

Take full advantage of your Amazon Prime and download some great reads – children’s books, magazines and Audible narration included (yes – listening to a book counts as reading!).

Don’t be afraid to listen/watch books on YouTube. There are many great channels to use.

Stay safe,

Mrs. David